Sunday, December 25, 2016

The Final Twist of the Knife

The Final Twist of the Knife

Thousands of Jews praying at the the holiest site in Judaism, the Western Wall, which president Obama just deemed to be illegally occupied. 

Friday at the United Nations, with no election to campaign for, Barack Obama was free to show his true colors.  On the same day he was lighting a menorah at the White House in his last act of false friendship with the Jewish people, he was simultaneously attempting to destroy the Jewish state.  By not vetoing a UN Security Council resolution that shamefully condemned Israel and decreed Jewish presence in East Jerusalem (including the Western Wall, the Temple Mount, and the Jewish Quarter of the Old City) to be illegal, Mr. Obama took his revenge against Benjamin Netanyahu for not bowing before Obama’s cult of personality. 

The resolution took the position that the holiest places in Judaism should be under Palestinian sovereignty, and that Jews have no claim to the area.  The Western Wall refers to a part of King Herod’s Temple, the only wall still standing after the Romans destroyed the temple, sacked Jerusalem, killed hundreds of thousands of Jews, and exiled the survivors in 70 BCE.  For almost 2000 years, between the Roman destruction of the temple and the Six Day War in 1967, Jews have been actively trying to take back dominion over their homeland, which president Obama has now shamefully stated is not Jewish at all. 
Liberation of the Old City of Jerusalem in 1967 by Israeli paratroopers.

Pre-1948 History
Due in large part to the World War I efforts made by the brilliant British Jewish scientist Chaim Weizmann, and the bravery shown by Zionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky and his Zion Mule Corps (who fought alongside the British in WWI), Britain supported a Jewish national home in the land then called Palestine.  The term Palestine generally referred to the area between southern Syria and Egypt, and was popularized by the Romans as a way of disconnecting the land (in Hebrew called Judea) from the Jews after successive Jewish revolts.  Before the victory of Britain, the U.S., and France in WWI, the land of Palestine had been part of the Ottoman Empire; it was most certainly not an independent nation.  

After WWI, the British established the British Mandate of Palestine, which was to serve as the national homeland for the Jewish people.  However, being British, and thus generally anti-Semitic and untrustworthy (read about the White Paper and how the British refused to let hundreds of thousands of Jews escaping the Holocaust land in Palestine so as to not offend the Arabs), the offer of the British Mandate of Palestine was shrunken, with a new Arab state to be carved out.  The Jews, desperate for a homeland after 6 million were murdered, accepted even this smaller Jewish state, while the Arabs, of course, turned it down.  When the UN formally recognized Israel, the Arab states surrounding Israel attacked simultaneously, in hopes of finishing the genocide that Hitler started.  It is no coincidence that the leader of the Arabs of Palestine at the time, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, spent the World War II years in Germany asking Hitler to bring the Final Solution to the Arab world. 
The leader of the Arabs of Jerusalem asked Hitler to expand his genocide against the Jews, this time in Arab lands.

The Jews were not the only group to whom Britain owed a favor in the aftermath of WWI.   The Bedouins of Hejaz (an area in present-day Saudi Arabia), led by Emir Abdullah, also helped the British defeat the Ottomans.  As a reward, Winston Churchill created a state called Transjordan on the east bank of the Jordan River.  Transjordan bordered the British Mandate of Palestine, which was supposed to be the Jewish state.  During the Israeli War of Independence, the Jordanians occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank, which were previously under international control. 

Post-1948 History
The peace terms between Jordan and Israel at the conclusion of the War of Independence constitute what are commonly called the “pre-1967 borders”, which is a reference to the 1949 armistice lines between Israel and Jordan.  A Palestinian state is not referenced anywhere in the armistice agreement, mostly because no such thing existed.  Friday’s UN resolution speaks of the territory that Israel occupied in 1967, as if it were part of a Palestinian country, and not territory that Jordan had illegally occupied.  In effect, the resolution says that Israel must give back territory which it won in a defensive war, from a country that was occupying the land illegally, to a country that never before existed.  Unreal.

Jordanian troops forced Jews to flee the Old City of Jerusalem in 1948 when Jordan occupied the city.
After the Israeli War of Independence, Jordan occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank, and remained in control until the liberation of Jerusalem in 1967.  In the 1948 war, Jordan expelled all the Jews from East Jerusalem, destroyed 34 of 35 synagogues in the Old City of Jerusalem, desecrated Jewish graves, and did not allow Jews to pray at the Wall.  This is the situation that president Obama’s vote clearly supports.  His non-veto is nothing less than a blanket denial of the right of Jews to have dominion over their homeland, and support for ethnic cleansing of Jews.    

What the Resolution Means
If one were to discuss Israel and Palestine with a college student, he or she would know literally nothing about the history other than “Israel is bad!”  It is probable that the aforementioned safe-space dweller would not know that Jews in Israel in the 20th century were called Palestinians (and the territory of Palestine had a Jewish star on its flag before the State of Israel was reborn), would not know of the occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank by the Jordanians from 1948-1967, certainly would not know about the almost 1,000,000 Jews whom the Arab countries expelled, would not know of the 3000 year continuous presence of Jews in Jerusalem, despite multiple expulsions, and would not know that there was never, in recorded history, a Palestinian state.  

Another Jew illegally in Jerusalem and the West Bank
By the terms of this resolution, Jesus was an illegal settler, as was any other Jew who built a house in Samaria or the eastern part of Jerusalem.  I expect this kind of ridiculous anti-Semitism from the fanatics and dictators of the Islamic world, the nonaligned countries in need of oil, and from the European appeasers who think that being anti-Israel will keep the jihadists from killing scores of European civilians.  Of America, however, I have higher standards.  I believe that the American people share my disgust with Obama’s attempt to turn our country into a poor imitation of a European nation; during his eight years in office, the Democratic party has lost 12 governorships, 9 Senate seats, 62 seats in the House, and more than 900 local legislative seats. 

Mr. Obama is attempting to sever the 3000-year-old link between Jews and Jerusalem; he is in effect doing the bidding of the fanatical Gulf States, both Iran and the Arab ones.  This resolution was everything that Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaida, the Saudis, and the Islamic Republic of Iran have ever wanted.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry alerted the Palestinian delegation ahead of time of their willingness to abstain on the resolution, in effect colluding to screw Israel.  While it is hard to know exactly what the damage will be from this resolution, the relationships between the US, the UN, and Israel will be forever changed by this treachery. 

Liberal American Jews have been living in a cocoon of naiveté for decades; they are so comfortable here that they have forgotten that America is constantly changing, and is not immune to anti-Semitism.  America’s changing demographics, the radicalization of campuses, the banishment of conservative professors off of college campuses, the unchallenged racial prism that dominates American political discourse, the sky-high intermarriage rates among American Jews, and Israel’s continuing decision to both accept billions in American military aid and build settlements in the West Bank have led us to this point.  If American Jews don’t wake up now, they never will. 

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